Rice Growing Journey
Hi, my name is Paddy.
To support your learner's rice growing journey, we have uploaded some educational videos for your viewing. We hope you can partner with them in this fulfilling and fun-filled journey.
Happy viewing!
How much to water?
A little too dry
Pest Management
Example of pest - midge larvae
Spread some mosquito tablets into the container. Larvae will die half hour.
Right soil consistency
Boost plant growth
Apply fertiliser on the rice plants once a week
Pest Management
Remove pests when you see them
Eg Rice leaf folder or snails
How to germinate seeds - Step 1
Germinate the seeds in a flat big container
Do not stack the seeds in a small container. They need to breathe
How to germinate seeds - Step 2
On the first 2 days of seed germination, place them in a dark place. Do remember to allow air flow in this dark place as the seeds need oxygen to germinate. If the water is cloudy, change the water
Open area but not dark place!
Put in a cupboard (dark place) but DO NOT close the door. They need air!
How to germinate seeds - Step 3
After 2 days, place the seedlings in a location with access to sunlight. Reduce the amount of water to just covering the seedlings. Make sure the roots are submerge in water and not dried up
This is the amount of water you should put in the container. Make sure the seedlings are not dried up or are completely submerge in water. Change water if cloudy. Make sure they have access to sunlight for photosynthesis
When to transplant?
After 14 to 21 days, they are ready to be transplanted into a big pot with soil
When you see 2 leaves, they are ready to move into a bigger pot!