Owlivia the Owl

Agent Owlivia is 8 yrs old. She is intelligent and cool. She loves to discuss with everyone, on any topic under the sun! Like Spikey, she is very passionate about saving our planet and will not hesitate to share her knowledge, so that she can get you onboard her mission. However, she tends to be impatient and doze off easily...
Join Owlvia and her friends in their earth hero adventures
Spikey the Hedgehog

Agent Spikey is 6 yrs old. He is kind and has a sense of justice, especially when it comes to being eco-friendly. When he sees anyone doing things that hurt the planet and living things, he has to set them right. He tends to be startled easily by loud noise.
Spikey and his friends are planning their adventures. Please check him out soon
Tammy the Sea Turtle

Tammy the Sea Turtle is 9 years old. She is a fun loving and chatty girl. She is the big sister of a group of other sea creatures and taking care of others is what she does best. However, she has a poor sense of direction, often finding herself lost in the deep blue sea...Thankfully, her friends will finally guide her along.
Tammy and her friends are discussing where to bring you to under the deep blue sea. She hopes to see you soon!
Wally the Whale

Wally the Whale is 12 years old. He is another cool dude who loves basking under the sun and singing with his friends. If you hear some melodic song out in the blue ocean, that must be Wall! However he is too chill for his own good, that sometimes, it takes a very long for him to get things done...
Wally can't wait to introduce you to his his choir mates. Please be patient with him
Betty the Bee

Betty the Bee is 10 years old. Always busy buzzing around and loving a good party!Bee is a team player who works extremely well with others. She cannot stand solitude and is always game for group fun. Although small, be very careful with her, as she's not one to be messed around with!
Betty is currently busy buzzing around collecting nectar and looking around for interesting places to show you. She can't wait to introduce all these places to you soon
Adam the Orang Utan

Adam the Orang Utan is 12 years old. Big and strong, yet is an introvert who prefers time alone up in the tree top. However, he is crazy over tropical fruits, which proves to be his soft spot...
Adam is checking out the fruits in forest with his friends. Be patient and wait for his stories